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Refereed Journal Articles

  1. Jun-nosuke Teramae, and Naoki Wakamiya
    "Brain-inspired Communication Technologies: Active fluctuation, Reservoir computation, and Top-down attention"
  2. Vladimir V. Klinshov, Jun-nosuke Teramae, Vladimir I. Nekorkin, and Tomoki Fukai
    "Dense Neuron Clustering Explains Connectivity Statistics in Cortical Microcircuits"
    PLoS ONE 9, 4, e94292 (2014). [abstract] [pdf]
  3. Jun-nosuke Teramae, and Tomoki Fukai
    "Computational implementations of lognormally distributed synaptic weights"
    Proceedings of the IEEE 102, 4, 1-13 (2014). [abstract] [pdf]
  4. Tomoki Fukai, and Jun-nosuke Teramae
    "Lessons from spontaneous neural noise genesis on neuromorphic engineering"
    Proceedings of the IEEE 102, 4, 513 (2014). [abstract]
  5. Jun-nosuke Teramae, Yasuhiro Tsubo, and Tomoki Fukai
    "Long-Tailed Statistics of Corticocortical EPSPs: Origin and Computational Role of Noise in Cortical Circuits"
    Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics, 161-167 (2013). [abstract]
  6. Naoki Hiratani, Jun-nosuke Teramae, and Tomoki Fukai
    "Associative memory model with long-tail-distributed Hebbian synaptic connections"
    Front Comput Neuroscience 6, 102 (2013). [abstract] [pdf]
  7. Jun-nosuke Teramae, Yasuhiro Tsubo, and Tomoki Fukai
    "Optimal spike-based communication in excitable networks with strong-sparse and weak-dense links"
    Scientific reports 2, 485 (2012). [abstract] [pdf]
  8. Denis S. Goldobin, Jun-nosuke Teramae, Hiroya Nakao, and G. Bard Ermentrout
    "Dynamics of Limit-Cycle Oscillators Subject to General Noise"
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 154101 (2010). [abstract] [pdf]
  9. Hiroya Nakao, Jun-nosuke Teramae, Denis S. Goldobin, and G. Yoshiki Kuramoto
    "Effective long-time phase dynamics of limit-cycle oscillators driven by weak colored noise"
    Chaos 20, 033126 (2010). [abstract] [pdf]
  10. Jun-nosuke Teramae, Hiroya Nakao, and G. Bard Ermentrout
    "Stochastic Phase Reduction for a General Class of Noisy Limit Cycle Oscillators"
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 194102 (2009). [abstract] [pdf]
  11. Jun-nosuke Teramae and Tomoki Fukai
    "Temporal precision of spike response to fluctuating input in pulse-coupled networks of oscillating neurons"
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 248105 (2008). [abstract] [pdf]
  12. Jun-nosuke Teramae and Tomoki Fukai
    "Complex evolution of spike patterns during burst propagation through feed-forward networks"
    Biol. Cybern. 99, 105-114 (2008) [abstract] [pdf]
  13. Yasuhiro Tsubo, Jun-nosuke Teramae, and Tomoki Fukai
    "Synchronization of excitatory neurons with strongly heterogeneous phase responses"
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 228101 (2007) [abstract] [pdf]
  14. Jun-nosuke Teramae and Tomoki Fukai
    "Sequential associative memory with nonuniformity of the layer sizes"
    Phys. Rev. E 75, 011910 (2007) [abstract] [pdf]
  15. Jun-nosuke Teramae and Tomoki Fukai
    "Local cortical circuit model inferred from power-law distributed neuronal avalanches"
    J. Comput. Neurosci. 22, 301-312 (2007) [abstract] [pdf]
  16. Jun-nosuke Teramae and Dan Tanaka
    "Noise induced phase synchronization of a general class of limit cycle oscillators"
    Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl. 161, 360-363 (2006) [abstract] [pdf]
  17. Jun-nosuke Teramae and Tomoki Fukai
    "A cellular mechanism for graded persistent activity in a model neuron and its implications in working memory"
    J. Comput. Neurosci. 18, 105-121 (2005) [abstract] [pdf]
  18. Jun-nosuke Teramae and Dan Tanaka
    "Robustness of the noise-induced phase synchronization in a general class of limit cycle oscillators"
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 204103 (2004) [abstract] [pdf]
  19. Jun-nosuke Teramae
    "System-size effects on the collective dynamics of cell populations with global coupling "
    Prog. Theor. Phys. 109, 51-59 (2003) [abstract] [pdf]
  20. Jun-nosuke Teramae and Yoshiki Kuramoto
    "Strong desynchronizing effects of weak noise in globally coupled systems "
    Phys. Rev. E. 63, 036210 (2001) [abstract] [pdf]

International Conferences

(* invited, ** organizer)
  1. Jun-nosuke Teramae, Yasuhiro Tsubo, and Tomoki Fukai
    "Spike-based stochastic resonance with optimal internal noise in cortical networks with strong-sparse weak-dense connections"
    Oct. 14 (2012),
    42nd Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 2012), New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, USA, Oct. 13 - Oct. 17 (2012)
  2. Naoki Hiratani, Jun-nosuke Teramae, and Tomoki Fukai
    "A spike-based associative memory with strong-sparse and weak-dense Hebbian connections"
    Oct. 15 (2012),
    42nd Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 2012), New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, USA, Oct. 13 - Oct. 17 (2012)
  3. Jun-nosuke Teramae, Yasuhiro Tsubo, and Tomoki Fukai
    "Long-tailed statistics of corticocortical EPSPs: Origin and computational role of noise in cortical circuits"
    Jun. 12 (2011),
    The 3rd International Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics Niseko, Hokkaido, Japan, Jun. 9 - Jun. 13 (2011)
  4. Jun-nosuke Teramae
    "Long-tailed EPSP Distribution Reveals Origin and Computational Role of Cortical Noisy Activity" (*, **)
    May. 24 (2011),
    SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems, Snowbird, Utah, USA, May. 22 - May. 26 (2011)
  5. Jun-nosuke Teramae
    "Long-tailed EPSP distribution accounts for origin and role of noise in cortical networks" (*)
    Mar. 3 (2011),
    Japan-German Joint Workshop on Computational Neuroscience, Okinawa, Japan, Mar. 2 - Mar. 5 (2011)
  6. Jun-nosuke Teramae
    "Spike timing and possible roles of noise in cortical computation" (*)
    Nov. 25 (2010),
    17th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP 2010), Sydney, Australia, Nov. 22 - Nov. 25 (2010)
  7. Jun-nosuke Teramae and Tomoki Fukai
    "A log-normal EPSP distribution accounts for the UP state, low-rate asynchronous firings, and precise firing sequences in cortical networks"
    Nov. 16 (2010),
    40th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 2010), San Diego, USA, Nov. 13 - Nov. 17 (2010)
  8. Jun-nosuke Teramae
    "Long-tailed EPSP distribution accounts for low-rate asynchronous firings, the up-state, and precise firing sequences in cortical networks" (*)
    Sep. 6 (2010),
    Workshop on spatio-temporal neuronal computation, Kyoto, Japan, Sep. 6 - Sep. 7 (2010)
  9. Jun-nosuke Teramae, Matthieu Gilson, and Tomoki Fukai
    "A long-tailed EPSP distribution accounts for the up-state, low-rate asynchronous firings, and precise firing sequences in cortical networks"
    Jun. 27 (2010),
    The 4th International Neural Microcircuitry Conference ,"Signal Processing Mechanisms of Cortical Neurons", Okinawa, Japan, Jun. 24 - Jun. 27 (2010)
  10. Jun-nosuke Teramae
    "A long-tailed EPSP distribution accounts for the up-state, low-rate asynchronous firings, and precise firing sequences in cortical networks" (*)
    Jun. 3 (2010),
    NIPS (Seiriken) International Workshop,"Fresh Perspectives of Computation in Neuronal Systems", Okazaki, Japan, Jun. 2 - Jun. 3 (2010)
  11. Jun-nosuke Teramae and Tomoki Fukai
    "Trade-off between cell-to-cell synchronization and trial-to-trial reliability in recurrent networks of spiking neurons"
    Oct. 21 (2009),
    39th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 2009), Chicago, USA, Oct. 17 - Oct. 21 (2009)
  12. Jun-nosuke Teramae and Tomoki Fukai
    "Reliability of response spike timings in pulse-coupled networks of neurons"
    Jul. 19 (2009),
    18th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS*2009), Berlin, Germany, Jul. 18 - Jul. 23 (2009)
  13. Jun-nosuke Teramae
    "Noise-induced Phase Synchronization of Networks of Oscillators Reveals Temporal Precision of Spiking Neurons" (**)
    Fluctuation and noise in living organisms: from random dynamical systems point of view, Wako, Japan, Jul. 10 (2009)
  14. Jun-nosuke Teramae and Tomoki Fukai
    "Temporal precision of spikes in pulse-coupled networks of oscillating neurons"
    Feb. 28 (2009),
    Computational and Systems Neuroscience 2009 (Cosyne 2009), Salt lake city, USA, Feb. 26 - Mar. 1 (2009)
  15. Jun-nosuke Teramae
    "Precision of neural coding and noise-induced synchronization of networks of oscillators"
    Sep. 10 (2008),
    Dynamics Days Asia Pacific 5 (DDAP5) The 5th International Conference on Nonlinear Science, Nara, Japan, Sep. 9 - Sep. 12 (2008)
  16. Jun-nosuke Teramae
    "Noise-induced synchronization of coupled oscillators and precision of spike coding in the brain"
    Jun. 10 (2008),
    International Workshop on Bio-Soft Matter 2008, Tokyo, Japan, Jun. 9 - Jun. 10 (2008)
  17. Jun-nosuke Teramae and Tomoki Fukai
    "Reliability of spike timings on pulse-coupled networks of neurons"
    Computational and Systems Neuroscience 2008 (Cosyne 2008), Salt lake city, USA, Feb. (2008)
  18. Yasuhiro Tsubo, Jun-nosuke Teramae, and Tomoki Fukai
    "Synchronization of excitatory neurons with strongly heterogeneous phase responses"
    37th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 2007), San Diego, USA, Nov. (2007)
  19. Hideyuki Cateau, Jun-nosuke Teramae, and Tomoki Fukai
    "Stochastic population activity of nonregular spiking neurons: 2-D Fokker-Planck approach"
    36th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 2006), Atlanta, USA, Oct. (2006)
  20. Tomoki Fukai and Jun-nosuke Teramae
    "Local cortical circuit model of excitatory and inhibitory neurons inferred from power-low statistics of neuronal avalanches"
    36th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 2006), Atlanta, USA, Oct. (2006)
  21. Jun-nosuke Teramae, Hideyuki Cateau, Alex Reyes, and Tomoki Fukai
    "Bursting mode-dependent speed of synchronous activity propagation along synfire chains"
    36th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 2006), Atlanta, USA, Oct. (2006)
  22. Jun-nosuke Teramae and Tomoki Fukai
    "Topolagical design of cortical networks that display power-law statistics of neuronal avalanches"
    Computational and Systems Neuroscience 2006 (Cosyne 2006), Salt Lake City, USA, Mar. (2006)
  23. Jun-nosuke Teramae and Tomoki Fukai
    "Topological design of cortical networks that display power-law statistics of neuronal avalanches"
    2006 Japan-Germany Symposium on Computational Neuroscience, Wako, Japan, Feb. (2006)
  24. Jun-nosuke Teramae
    "Noise-induced phase synchronization of general class of limit cycle oscillators"
    Workshop on Complex Dynamics of Networks of Oscillators :From Basic Research to Novel Therapy, Sapporo, Japan, Nov. (2005)
  25. Jun-nosuke Teramae and Tomoki Fukai
    "Neuronal avalanches as a probe for cortical circuit structures"
    35th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 2005), Washington DC, USA, Nov. (2005)
  26. Jun-nosuke Teramae and Tomoki Fukai
    "Neuronal Avalanches as a Probe for Cortical Circuit Structures" (*)
    Picower-RIKEN Workshop at MIT "Neural Computation", Boston, USA, June (2005)
  27. Jun-nosuke Teramae and Tomoki Fukai
    "A novel cellular mechanism for graded persistent activity in a model neuron and its implications in working memory"
    34th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 2004), San Diego, USA, Oct. (2004)
  28. Jun-nosuke Teramae and Dan Tanaka
    "Robustness of the noise-induced phase synchronization in a general class of limit cycle oscillators"
    International Symposium on Oscillation, Chaos and Network, Kyoto, Japan, Nov. (2004)
  29. Jun-nosuke Teramae and Tomoki Fukai
    "A novel cellular mechanism for parametric working memory in a model neoron"
    Second International Conference on Working Memory, Kyoto, Japan, Aug. (2004)