- 発表日
- 2025年1月16日
- Seminar
- 第14回学習物理領域セミナー+第66回DLAP
- タイトル
- テンソル木を用いた生成モデルがデータ内の隠れた関係性を抽出する
- 概要
- 文献
- arXiv:2408.10669
- 参照コード
- Adaptive Tensor Tree Generative Modeling
- Date
- December 13th, 2024
- Seminar
- Theory seminar at ISSP, Univ. of Tokyo
- Title
- Tensor tree learns hidden relational structure in data to construct generative models
- Abstract
Generative modeling is a significant machine learning technique that constructs the probability distribution of a dataset, owing to its wide range of applications across various problems. Recently, there has been extensive research into generative modeling on quantum computers, referred to as Born machines. This approach utilizes the output of projective measurement of quantum states for stochastic samplings.
We propose a general method for constructing a generative model based on the tree tensor network within the Born machine framework. The core idea is to optimize the tree structure dynamically to minimize the bond mutual information. We demonstrate potential applications with four examples: (1) Random bit sequences with long-range correlation, (2) Images of handwritten digits from the QMNIST dataset, (3) Bayesian networks, (4) Stock price fluctuations in the S&P 500.
Our method significantly enhances performance and reveals hidden relational structures in the target data, paving the way for future improvements and advancements.
- Reference
- arXiv:2408.10669
- Code
- Adaptive Tensor Tree Generative Modeling
- 日程
- 2024年11月15日から11月17日
- 研究会
- 講演タイトル
- Tensor tree learns hidden relational structure in data to construct generative models
- 概要
- テンソルネットワークを用いた生成モデルの研究についてレビューを行い、テンソル木を用いたボルン生成マシンを構築する新しい手法を紹介する。キーとなるアイデアは、ボンド相互情報を最小化する木構造を動的に最適化することで、性能を向上させるだけでなく、対象データ中の隠れた関係構造を発見できることである。いくつかの実験例を用いて、その特徴を紹介する。
日程: 2024年9月16日から9月19日
- 講演(17pS101-4) "量子多体系のグラウバーダイナミクスと関連する話題"(シンポジウム「量子多体系におけるダイナミクス研究の進展: 極限宇宙の物理法則を探る」)
- 講演(17pPSB-1) "テンソルネットワークによるモンテカルロ法の高速化"(発表者:馬場謙太郎)
- 講演(17pPSB-54) "テンソルネットワークを用いた強化学習におけるパラメーターの一斉更新へのアプローチ"(発表者:河本佳大)
- 講演(18aE314-8) "ネットワーク構造最適化を含んだツリーテンソルネットワーク法の性能評価"(発表者:引原俊哉、共同研究者:上田宏, 奥西巧一, 西野友年)
- Title
- Tensor tree learns hidden relational structures in data to construct generative models
- Author
- Kenji Harada, Tsuyoshi Okubo, Naoki Kawashima
- Abstract
- Based on the tensor tree network with the Born machine framework, we propose a general method for constructing a generative model by expressing the target distribution function as the quantum wave function amplitude represented by a tensor tree. The key idea is dynamically optimizing the tree structure that minimizes the bond mutual information. The proposed method offers enhanced performance and uncovers hidden relational structures in the target data. We illustrate potential practical applications with four examples: (i) random patterns, (ii) QMNIST hand-written digits, (iii) Bayesian networks, and (iv) the stock price fluctuation pattern in S&P500. In (i) and (ii), strongly correlated variables were concentrated near the center of the network; in (iii), the causality pattern was identified; and, in (iv), a structure corresponding to the eleven sectors emerged.
- Comments
- 9 pages, 3 figures
- Preprint
- arXiv:2408.10669
- Code
- Adaptive Tensor Tree Generative Modeling
- Dates
- March 25-29, 2024
- Conference
- SQAI-NCTS Workshop on Tensor Network and Quantum Embedding (Hongo Campus, The University of Tokyo)
- Title
- Optimizing the structure of tree tensor network for quantum generative modeling using mutual information-based approach
- Abstract
- Generative modeling is a crucial task in the field of machine learning. Recently, there have been several proposals for generative models on quantum devices. We can efficiently optimize generative models defined by tensor network states, but their performance largely depends on the geometrical structure of the tensor network. To tackle this issue, we have proposed an optimization method for the network structure in the tree tensor network class, based on the least mutual information principle. Generative modeling with an optimized network structure has better performance than a fixed network structure. Moreover, by embedding data dependencies into the tree structure based on the least mutual information principle, we can geometrically represent the correlations in the data.
日程: 2024年3月18日から3月21日
- 講演(19pL2-13) "テンソルネットワークを用いた生成モデルの最適化されたネットワーク構造の解析"(共同研究者:大久保毅, 川島直輝)
- Book title
- Advanced Mathematical Science for Mobility Society
- Editors
- Kazushi Ikeda, Yoshiumi Kawamura, Kazuhisa Makino, Satoshi Tsujimoto, Nobuo Yamashita, Shintaro Yoshizawa, Hanna Sumita
- Publisher
- Springer Singapore
- Reference
- ISBN 978-981-99-9771-8 ISBN 978-981-99-9772-5 (eBook)
- Title
- Chapter 5 "Application of Tensor Network Formalism for Processing Tensor Data"
- Authors
- Kenji Harada, Hiroaki Matsueda, and Tsuyoshi Okubo
- Web page
- Open access
- 講義日
- 2024年3月12日
- 講義名
- 「テンソルネットワーク入門」
- 概要 多くの分野で活用されはじめたテンソルネットワーク形式の一般論から初めて、量子多体系の基底状態計算のためのテンソルネットワークを用いた代表的な手法と計算技術(テンソル縮約・自動微分)の解説をし、pythonを用いた実習を行う.
- Date
- Jan 26, 2024
- Conference
- 2024 Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Taiwan, Topical Symposia:Many-body systems and advanced numerical methods
- Title
- Optimizing tensor network structure
- Date
- Jan 22, 2024
- Conference
- Mini-workshop: Tensor Network algorithms and applications 2024 (Taipei, Taiwan)
- Title
- Optimizing tensor network structure
日程: 2023年9月16日から9月19日
- 講演(18pB203-6) "テンソルネットワークを用いた生成モデルの情報量に基づくネットワーク最適化"(共同研究者:大久保毅, 川島直輝)
- Date
- Aug 22, 2023
- Conference
- Tensor Network States: Algorithms and Applications 2023 (Shanghai, China)
- Title
- Tensor network study of one-dimensional stochastic processes
- Date
- Aug 8, 2023
- Conference
- The 28th International Conference on Statistical Physics, Statphys28 (Tokyot, Japan)
- Title
- Renormalization of non-equilibrium critical points in one-dimensional stochastic processes by tensor networks
- Abstract
Non-equilibrium critical points often hold scaling invariance in the spatial and temporal directions. As seen in equilibrium cases, we know various universality classes of non-equilibrium critical points in stochastic processes. However, the direct renormalization of statistical processes is technically difficult. Recently, renormalization using tensor network representation was proposed and extended[1-4], and it is quite successful in equilibrium critical points. We extend the approach to stochastic processes using oblique projectors in the tensor renormalization group with higher-order singular value decomposition[5]. We report the universal property of time-evolution operators of one-dimensional contact processes of which critical points belong to the (1+1)-dimensional directed percolation(DP) universality class. The renormalized time-evolution operator has a universal spectrum structure of the (1+1)-dimensional DP universality class in spatial and temporal directions.
[1] M. Levin and C. P. Nave, Tensor Renormalization Group Approach to Two-Dimensional Classical Lattice Models, Physical Review Letters 99, 120601 (2007).
[2] Z. Y. Xie, J. Chen, M. P. Qin, J. W. Zhu, Y. P. L., and T. Xiang, Coarse-Graining Renormalization by Higher-Order Singular Value Decomposition, Physical Review B 86, 045139 (2012).
[3] G. Evenbly and G. Vidal, Tensor Network Renormalization, Physical Review Letters 115, 180405 (2015).
[4] K. Harada, Entanglement Branching Operator, Physical Review B 97, 045124 (2018).
[5] K. Harada, Universal spectrum structure at nonequilibrium critical points in the (1+1)-dimensional directed percolation, arXiv:2008.10807.
- Title
- Neural network approach to scaling analysis of critical phenomena
- Reference
- Physical Review E 107, 044128 (2023)
- 10.1103/PhysRevE.107.044128
- Author
- 10.1103/PhysRevE.107.044128
- Ryosuke Yoneda and Kenji Harada
- Abstract
- Determining the universality class of a system exhibiting critical phenomena is one of the central problems in physics. There are several methods to determine this universality class from data. As methods to collapse plots onto scaling functions, polynomial regression, which is less accurate, and Gaussian process regression, which provides high accuracy and flexibility but is computationally expensive, have been proposed. In this paper, we propose a regression method using a neural network. The computational complexity is linear only in the number of data points. We demonstrate the proposed method for the finite-size scaling analysis of critical phenomena in the two-dimensional Ising model and bond percolation problem to confirm the performance. This method efficiently obtains the critical values with accuracy in both cases.
- Comments
- 10 pages, 10 figures
- Preprint
- arXiv.2209.01777
日程: 2023年3月22日から3月25日
- 講演(22aL2-7) "テンソル化深層学習における圧縮性能の解析"
- 講演(23aL1-6) "ネットワーク構造最適化を含んだツリーテンソルネットワーク法の開発II" (共同研究者:引原俊哉, 上田宏, 奥西巧一, 西野友年)
- 講演(25pL1-9) "2次元横磁場イジング模型におけるグラウバーダイナミクスと動的量子臨界現象" (共同研究者:堀田知佐)
- Title
- Quantum critical dynamics in the two-dimensional transverse Ising model
- Reference
- Physical Review Research 5, 013186 (2023)
- 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.5.013186
- Author
- 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.5.013186
- Chisa Hotta, Tempei Yoshida, and Kenji Harada
- Abstract
- In the vicinity of the quantum critical point (QCP), thermodynamic properties diverge toward zero temperature governed by universal exponents. Although this fact is well known, how it is reflected in quantum dynamics has not been addressed. The QCP of the transverse Ising model on a triangular lattice is an ideal platform to test the issue, since it has an experimental realization, the dielectrics being realized in an organic dimer Mott insulator, κ−ET2X, where a quantum electric dipole represents the Ising degrees of freedom. We track the Glauber-type dynamics of the model by constructing a kinetic protocol based on the quantum Monte Carlo method. The dynamical susceptibility takes the form of the Debye function and shows a significant peak narrowing in approaching a QCP due to the divergence of the relaxation timescale. It explains the anomaly of dielectric constants observed in the organic materials, indicating that the material is very near the ferroelectric QCP. We disclose how the dynamical and other critical exponents develop near QCP beyond the simple field theory.
- Comments
- 12 pages, 8 figures
- Preprint
- arXiv:2209.11599
- Title
- Quantum Circuit Simulation by SGEMM Emulation on Tensor Cores and Automatic Precision Selection
- Reference
- ISC 2023
- Author
- Hiryuki Ootomo, Hidetaka Manabe, Kenji Harada, and Rio Yokota
- Abstract
- Quantum circuit simulation provides the foundation for the development of quantum algorithms and the verification of quantum supremacy. Among the various methods for quantum circuit simulation, tensor network contraction has been increasing in popularity due to its ability to simulate a larger number of qubits. During tensor contraction, the input tensors are reshaped to matrices and computed by a GEMM operation, where these GEMM operations could reach up to 90\% of the total calculation time. GEMM throughput can be improved by utilizing mixed-precision hardware such as Tensor Cores, but straightforward implementation results in insufficient fidelity for deep and large quantum circuits. Prior work has demonstrated that compensated summation with special care of the rounding mode can fully recover the FP32 precision of SGEMM even when using TF32 or FP16 Tensor Cores. The exponent range is a critical issue when applying such techniques to quantum circuit simulation. While TF32 supports almost the same exponent range as FP32, FP16 supports a much smaller exponent range. In this work, we use the exponent range statistics of input tensor elements to select which Tensor Cores we use for the GEMM. We evaluate our method on Random Circuit Sampling (RCS), including Sycamore's quantum circuit, and show that the throughput is 1.86 times higher at maximum while maintaining accuracy.
- Preprint
- arXiv:2303.08989 [quant-ph]
- Title
- Automatic structural optimization of tree tensor networks
- Reference
- Physical Review Research 5, 013031 (2023)
- 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.5.013031
- Author
- 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.5.013031
- Toshiya Hikihara, Hiroshi Ueda, Kouichi Okunishi, Kenji Harada, and Tomotoshi Nishino
- Abstract
- Tree tensor network (TTN) provides an essential theoretical framework for the practical simulation of quantum many-body systems, where the network structure defined by the connectivity of the isometry tensors plays a crucial role in improving its approximation accuracy. In this paper, we propose a TTN algorithm that enables us to automatically optimize the network structure by local reconnections of isometries to suppress the bipartite entanglement entropy on their legs. The algorithm can be seamlessly implemented to such a conventional TTN approach as density-matrix renormalization group. We apply the algorithm to the inhomogeneous antiferromagnetic Heisenberg spin chain having a hierarchical spatial distribution of the interactions. We then demonstrate that the entanglement structure embedded in the ground-state of the system can be efficiently visualized as a perfect binary tree in the optimized TTN. Possible improvements and applications of the algorithm are also discussed.
- Comments
- 11 pages, 10 figures, 2 tables
- Preprint
- arXiv:2209.03196
生理研研究会 「第4回 力学系の視点からの脳・神経回路の理解」にて、 "テンソルネットワークによるニューラルネットワークモデルの圧縮"について 講演を行いました.
東京大学理学系研究科知の物理学センターのipi seminarにて、 "Compressing neural networks by tensor networks"について 講演を行いました.
日程: 2022年9月12日から9月15日
- 講演(13pH113-5) "ネットワーク構造最適化を含んだツリーテンソルネットワーク法の開発" (共同研究者:引原俊哉, 上田宏, 奥西巧一, 西野友年)
- 講演(13pH113-6) "テンソルネットワーク状態を用いた教師なし生成モデルのネットワーク構造の最適化" (共同研究者:大久保毅, 川島直輝)
- 講演(13pH113-8) "GPUによる2次元MERAの変分最適化の加速" (共同研究者:真鍋秀隆)
- 講演(14pH112-1) "行列積状態を用いたテンソル化深層学習における最適ランクの推定" (共同研究者:阿蘇品侑雅)
- Title
- Automatic structural optimization of tree tensor networks
- Author
- Toshiya Hikihara, Hiroshi Ueda, Kouichi Okunishi, Kenji Harada, and Tomotoshi Nishino
- Abstract
- Tree tensor network (TTN) provides an essential theoretical framework for the practical simulation of quantum many-body systems, where the network structure defined by the connectivity of the isometry tensors plays a crucial role in improving its approximation accuracy. In this paper, we propose a TTN algorithm that enables us to automatically optimize the network structure by local reconnections of isometries to suppress the bipartite entanglement entropy on their legs. The algorithm can be seamlessly implemented to such a conventional TTN approach as density-matrix renormalization group. We apply the algorithm to the inhomogeneous antiferromagnetic Heisenberg spin chain having a hierarchical spatial distribution of the interactions. We then demonstrate that the entanglement structure embedded in the ground-state of the system can be efficiently visualized as a perfect binary tree in the optimized TTN. Possible improvements and applications of the algorithm are also discussed.
- Comments
- 11 pages, 10 figures, 2 tables
- Preprint
- arXiv:2209.03196
- Title
- Neural Network Approach to Scaling Analysis of Critical Phenomena
- Author
- Ryosuke Yoneda and Kenji Harada
- Abstract
- Determining the universality class of a system exhibiting critical phenomena is one of the central problems in physics. As methods for determining this universality class from data, polynomial regression, which is less accurate, and Gaussian process regression, which provides high accuracy and flexibility but is computationally heavy, have been proposed. In this paper, we propose a method by a regression method using a neural network. The computational complexity is only linear in the number of data points. We demonstrate the proposed method for the finite-size scaling analysis of critical phenomena on the two-dimensional Ising model and bond percolation problem to confirm the performance. This method efficiently obtains the critical values with accuracy in both cases.
- Comments
- 10 pages, 9 figures
- Preprint
- arXiv:2209.01777
- Date
- Aug 26, 2022
- Conference (invited talk)
- The 15th Asia Pacific Physics Conference (APPC15), Korea (online)
- Title
- Tensor renormalization group study of the non-equilibrium critical fixed point of the one-dimensional contact process
- Abstract
- The steady-state of many stochastic systems is non-equilibrium. We studied the phase of non-equilibrium systems and the transition similar to equilibrium systems. In particular, the critical phase transition is interesting because we can define the non-equilibrium universality class. To confirm the existence of a non-equilibrium critical fixed point, we study the time evolution operator of one-dimensional contact processes by using a tensor renormalization group technique. The time evolution operators converge to universal critical tensors in the tensor renormalization group flow. The spectrums of critical tensors are strongly anisotropic but share the intrinsic structure each for the universality class. The integer structure for the universality class of compact-directed percolation in the time direction is consistent with the exact spectrum structure of the diffusion-annihilation process.
日程: 2020年3月15日から3月19日(オンライン開催)
- 講演(16aE11-4) "テンソルネットワーク近似を用いたランダム量子回路サンプリングの古典シミュレーション" (共同研究者:真鍋秀隆)
- 講演(15aB12-9) "ニューラルネットワークを用いたスケーリング解析手法" (共同研究者:米田亮介,発表は原田)
We will hold the oneline workshop, Tensor Network States: Algorithms and Applications (TNSAA) 2021-2022, from Jan. 17 to Jan. 21, 2022. The series of workshop, TNSAA, has been organized for the purposes of exchanging new developments, having discussions toward future studies, and providing intruductory talks for new generation of researchers about tensor networks.
日程: 2020年9月20日から9月23日(オンライン開催)
- 講演(21aL3-3) "吸収状態相転移の非平衡臨界点における普遍的スペクトラム構造のテンソル繰り込み群による研究"
- 講演(22pL4-9) "行列積表現を用いたニューラルネットワークのエンタングルメント解析" (共同研究者) 阿蘇品 侑雅(発表)
- 講演(23pA1-1) "テンソルネットワークを用いた量子回路学習" (共同研究者) 真鍋 秀隆(発表)
- Date
- May 31, 2021
- Seminar
- StatPhys seminar at University of Tokyo, Hongo, Japan
- Title
- Universal spectrum structure on the nonequilibrium critical line of the one-dimensional Domany-Kinzel cellular automaton
- Abstract
The Domany-Kinzel(DK) cellular automaton is a stochastic time-evolutional system with an absorbing state from which the system cannot escape and a canonical model for nonequilibrium critical phenomena[1]. We introduce the tensor network method as a new tool to study it. Estimating the entropy of the DK automaton with a matrix product state representation of distribution, we reported a new cusp of the Renyi entropy in the active phase of the DK cellular automaton[2]. We recently applied a tensor renormalization group method to transfer matrices at the nonequilibrium critical point of the DK cellular automaton, confirming a universal spectrum structure[3]. In this talk, we will report our results with a brief review of models and methods.
[1] M. Henkel, H. Hinrichsen, and S. Lübeck, Non-Equilibrium Phase Transitions. Volume 1: Absorbing Phase Transitions, Vol. 1 (Springer, 2008).
[2] K. H. and N. Kawashima, Entropy Governed by the Absorbing State of Directed Percolation, Physical Review Letters 123, 090601 (2019).
[3] K. H., Universal spectrum structure at nonequilibrium critical points in the (1+1)-dimensional directed percolation, arXiv:2008.10807.
日程: 2021年3月12日から3月15日(オンライン開催)
- 講演(14pL2-3) "テンソルネットワーク状態の幾何学的変換"
- Title
- Critical exponents in coupled phase-oscillator models on small-world networks
- Reference
- Physical Review E 102, 062212 (2020)
- 10.1103/PhysRevE.102.062212
- Author
- Ryosuke Yoneda, Kenji Harada, and Yoshiyuki Y. Yamaguchi
- Abstract
- A coupled phase-oscillator model consists of phase oscillators, each of which has the natural frequency obeying a probability distribution and couples with other oscillators through a given periodic coupling function. This type of model is widely studied since it describes the synchronization transition, which emerges between the nonsynchronized state and partially synchronized states. The synchronization transition is characterized by several critical exponents, and we focus on the critical exponent defined by coupling strength dependence of the order parameter for revealing universality classes. In a typical interaction represented by the perfect graph, an infinite number of universality classes is yielded by dependency on the natural frequency distribution and the coupling function. Since the synchronization transition is also observed in a model on a small-world network, whose number of links is proportional to the number of oscillators, a natural question is whether the infinite number of universality classes remains in small-world networks irrespective of the order of links. Our numerical results suggest that the number of universality classes is reduced to one and the critical exponent is shared in the considered models having coupling functions up to second harmonics with unimodal and symmetric natural frequency distributions.
- Comments
- 8 pages, 8 figures
- Preprint
- arXiv:2007.04539
日程: 2020年9月8日から9月11日(オンライン開催)
- 講演(9pL1-9) "スモールワールドネットワーク上の結合位相振動子系における同期転移の臨界指数" (共同研究者)米田亮介(発表者), 山口義幸
- 講演(10pL2-7) "同時有向浸透現象の相転移"(共同研究者)星野佑樹(発表者)
- 講演(10pL2-8) "臨界有向浸透現象のスペクトラムを用いた新しい普遍性の提案"
- Preprint
- arXiv:2008.10807
- Author
- Kenji Harada
- Abstract
- Using a tensor renormalization group method with oblique projectors for an anisotropic tensor network, we confirm that the rescaled spectrum of transfer matrices at nonequilibrium critical points in the (1+1)-dimensional directed percolation, a canonical model of nonequilibrium critical phenomena, is scale-invariant and its structure is universal.
- Comments
- 6 pages, 7 figures

- Preprint
- arXiv:2007.04539
- Title
- Critical exponents in coupled phase-oscillator models on small-world networks
- Author
- Ryosuke Yoneda, Kenji Harada, Yoshiyuki Y. Yamaguchi
- Abstract
- A coupled phase-oscillator model consists of phase-oscillators, each of which has the natural frequency obeying a probability distribution and couples with other oscillators through a given periodic coupling function. This type of models is widely studied since it describes the synchronization transition, which emerges between the non-synchronized state and partially synchronized states, and which is characterized by the critical exponents. Among them, we focus on the critical exponent defined by coupling strength dependence of the order parameter. The synchronization transition is not limited in the all-to-all interaction, whose number of links is of O(N2) with N oscillators, and occurs in small-world networks whose links are of O(N). In the all-to-all interaction, values of the critical exponent depend on the natural frequency distribution and the coupling function, classified into an infinite number of universality classes. A natural question is in small-world networks, whether the dependency remains irrespective of the order of links. To answer this question we numerically compute the critical exponent on small-world networks by using the finite-size scaling method with coupling functions up to the second harmonics and with unimodal and symmetric natural frequency distributions. Our numerical results suggest that, for the continuous transition, the considered models share the critical exponent 1/2, and that they are collapsed into one universality class.
- Comments
- 7 pages, 7 figures
- Title
- Finite-m scaling analysis of Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless phase transitions and entanglement spectrum for the six-state clock model
- Reference
- Physical Review E 101, 062111 (2020)
- 10.1103/PhysRevE.101.062111
- Author
- Hiroshi Ueda, Kouichi Okunishi, Kenji Harada, Roman Krčmár, Andrej Gendiar, Seiji Yunoki, and Tomotoshi Nishino
- Abstract
- We investigate the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transitions for the square-lattice six-state clock model with the corner-transfer matrix renormalization group (CTMRG). Scaling analyzes for effective correlation length, magnetization, and entanglement entropy with respect to the cutoff dimension m at the fixed point of CTMRG provide transition temperatures consistent with a variety of recent numerical studies. We also reveal that the fixed point spectrum of the corner transfer matrix in the critical intermediate phase of the six-state clock model is characterized by the scaling dimension consistent with the c=1 boundary conformal field theory associated with the effective Z_6 dual sine-Gordon model.
- Comments
- 7 pages, 7 figures
- Preprint
- arXiv:2001.10176
日程: 2020年3月16日から3月19日、会場:名古屋大学(東山キャンパス)
- 講演(18pK43-4) "テンソルネットワーク中のエンタングルメント最適化"
- 講演(19aPS-90) "Double DKセルオートマトンにおける相転移現象"(共同研究者)星野佑樹(発表者)
新型コロナウイルス感染症への対応として、年次大会の現地開催は中止となりましたが、 講演概要原稿の提出等の条件を満たしているため、発表が成立したものとされています。
トヨタ自動車株式会社と京都大学との産学連携の新しい取組みである「モビリティ基盤数理」研究ユニットに参加し、 テンソルデータ解析に統計物理学的視点を導入するための共同研究をスタート。

- Preprint
- arXiv:2001.10176
- Author
- Hiroshi Ueda, Kouichi Okunishi, Kenji Harada, Roman Krčmár, Andrej Gendiar, Seiji Yunoki, and Tomotoshi Nishino
- Abstract
- We investigate the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transitions for the square-lattice six-state clock model with the corner-transfer matrix renormalization group (CTMRG). Scaling analyzes for effective correlation length, magnetization, and entanglement entropy with respect to the cutoff dimension m at the fixed point of CTMRG provide transition temperatures consistent with a variety of recent numerical studies. We also reveal that the fixed point spectrum of the corner transfer matrix in the critical intermediate phase of the six-state clock model is characterized by the scaling dimension consistent with the c=1 boundary conformal field theory associated with the effective Z_6 dual sine-Gordon model.
- Comments
- 7 pages, 7 figures
日本シミュレーション学会誌「シミュレーション」にある連載シリーズ「シミュレーションの世界」に、 テンソルネットワークを用いて、セルオートマトンの時間発展シミュレーションをどのように行うかについて、解説記事を執筆しました。
- 記事情報
- 「テンソルネットワークによるセルオートマトンの状態確率分布の時間発展シミュレーション」, 日本シミュレーション学会誌「シミュレーション」2019年12月 Vol.38 No.4 page 228-231.
- Conference: Tensor Network States: Algorithms and Applications (TNSAA) 2019-2020
- Invited talk: "New numerical approaches for directed percolation"
- Date: Dec. 4, 2019
- Conference dates: Dec. 4-6, 2019
- Venue: NCCU, Taipei, TAIWAN
- URL:
- 開講日時
- 10月28日(月)4,5限(午後2時45分開始、午後6時終了)
- 10月29日(火)4,5限(午後2時45分開始、午後6時終了)
- 11月5日(火)4,5限(午後2時45分開始、午後6時終了)
- 11月6日(水)3限(午後1時開始、午後2時30分終了)
- 開講場所:京都大学 吉田キャンパス 総合研究8号館 講義室3(3階南)Map (No.59)。11月6日は講義室4(3階北)。
- 講義の概要・目的
- 到達目標:多体系向けの数値的手法に関する基本的事項を理解した上で、各分野の問題に取り組める応用力の習得を目指す。
- 講義計画と内容:以下の内容を講述する。講義の進度に応じて省略する項目もある。
- 多体系の例:時間発展系、平衡系、量子系、最適化問題、ベイズ推定
- モンテカルロ法の基礎
- モンテカルロ法のアルゴリズム:動的モンテカルロ法、ギブスサンプラー、メトロポリス法、量子モンテカルロ法、ハミルトニアンモンテカルロ法
- テンソル分解とテンソルネットワークの基礎
- テンソルネットワーク法のアルゴリズム
- まとめと展望
一般書籍「数理工学の世界」(日本評論社)第3章"沢山からできている世界"を執筆。 全7章構成(第1章は座談会録)で、数理工学の広がりを高校生〜大学初年度程度の知識で理解できるように書かれています。 第3章は統計物理学的アプローチについて紹介していますが、他の章も興味深い内容ですので、どうぞ、御一読下さい。
日程: 2019年9月10日から9月13日、会場:岐阜大学(柳戸キャンパス)
量子多体問題をキーワードに関連する多岐に渡る分野における最近の計算手法に関する滞在型国際ワークショップCAQMP2019が4週間弱に渡って開催されました。 ワークショップで開催されたレクチャーやセミナーがYouTubeで公開されています。
- 日程:2019年7月16日(火) ~ 2019年8月8日(木)(4週間弱)
- 開催場所:東京大学物性研究所 (〒277−8581 柏市柏の葉5−1−5)
- ワークショップURL:
- Entropy Governed by the Absorbing State of Directed Percolation
- Physical Review Letters 123, 090601 (2019)
- 10.1103/PhysRevLett.123.090601
- Kenji Harada and Naoki Kawashima
- We investigate the informational aspect of (1+1)-dimensional directed percolation, a canonical model of a nonequilibrium continuous transition to a phase dominated by a single special state called the “absorbing” state. Using a tensor network scheme, we numerically calculate the time evolution of state probability distribution of directed percolation. We find a universal relaxation of Rényi entropy at the absorbing phase transition point as well as a new singularity in the active phase, slightly but distinctly away from the absorbing transition point. At the new singular point, the second-order Rényi entropy has a clear cusp. There we also detect a singular behavior of “entanglement entropy,” defined by regarding the probability distribution as a wave function. The entanglement entropy vanishes below the singular point and stays finite above. We confirm that the absorbing state, though its occurrence is exponentially rare in the active phase, is responsible for these phenomena. This interpretation provides us with a unified understanding of time evolution of the Rényi entropy at the critical point as well as in the active phase.

- 日程:2019年7月16日(火) ~ 2019年8月8日(木)(4週間弱)
- 開催場所:東京大学物性研究所 (〒277−8581 柏市柏の葉5−1−5)
- URL:
- 参加登録締切は6月28日(宿泊、旅費援助については:4月12日)。
- 参加登録ページはこちら。
- キーワード:テンソルネットワーク、量子モンテカルロ法、フラストレートスピン系、トポロジカル量子相、情報統計、データ解析、機械学習、高エネルギー物理、実験、...
- 日程:5月11日(土) ~ 12日(日)
- 場所:奈良女子大学
- 研究会Webページ:
日程: 2019年3月14日から3月17日、会場:九州大学(伊都キャンパス)
- 講演(14aG214-8) "角転送行列繰り込み群の有限状態数スケーリングを用いたBKT転移の評価"
(共同研究者)上田宏(理研R-CCS)(発表者), 奥西巧一(新潟大学), Roman Krcmar, Andrej Gendiar(スロバキア科学アカデミー), 柚木清司(理研R-CCS), 西野友年(神戸大学) - 講演(15aG214-6) "吸収状態に支配される有向浸透現象のエントロピー" (共同研究者)川島直輝 (プレプリント: arXiv:1902.10479)
- 講演(17aS-PS-64) "有向浸透現象におけるエントロピーのモンテカルロ計算"(共同研究者)星野佑樹(発表者)
Session K19: Precision Many Body Physics VII on APS March Meeting 2019 (Boston, Massachusetts, USA)." date: 2019-03-06 lang: all category: News, Talk
March 4–8, 2019, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
- "Entropy of the (1+1)-dimensional directed percolation", 10:36 AM–10:48 AM, Wednesday, March 6, 2019, Session K19: Precision Many Body Physics VII.
PREPRINT: arXiv:1902.10479
- Preprint
- arXiv:1902.10479
- Author
- Kenji Harada and Naoki Kawashima
- Abstract
- We investigate the informational aspect of (1+1)-dimensional directed percolation(DP), a canonical model of a non-equilibrium continuous transition to a phase dominated by a single special state called the "absorbing" state. Using a tensor network scheme, we numerically calculate the time evolution of state probability distribution of DP. We find a universal relaxation of Renyi entropy at the absorbing phase transition point and a new singularity in the active phase where the second-order Renyi entropy has a cusp and the dynamical behavior of entanglement entropy changes from asymptotically-complete disentanglement to finite entanglement. We confirm that the absorbing state, though its occurrence is exponentially rare in the active phase, is responsible for these phenomena. This interpretation provides us with a unified understanding of time-evolution of the Renyi entropy at the critical point as well as in the active phase.
- Comments
- 6(=4+1.5) pages, 8(=5+3) figures
- 日程:2019年1月10日(木)
- 場所:ステーションコンファレンス東京 602BCD会議室(サピアタワー6階)
- Webページ:
ポスト「京」重点課題(7) 「次世代の産業を支える新機能デバイス・ 高性能材料の創成(CDMSI)」第4回シンポジウムにてポスター発表。
- タイトル:「(1+1)次元有向浸透現象のエントロピー」
- 日程:2018年12月17日(月)
- 場所:東京大学 6階大講義室/柏キャンパス
- シンポジウム日程:2018年12月17日(月) ~ 18日(火)
- シンポジウムWebページ:
- Conference: Tensor Network States: Algorithms and Applications (TNSAA) 2018-2019
- Invited talk: "Entropy of the (1+1)-dimensional directed percolation"
- Conference dates: 3-6 December 2018
- Venue: R-CCS Kobe, JAPAN
- URL:
- Title: "Entropy of the (1+1)-dimensional directed percolation"
- Conference: International Conference on Advances in Physics of Emergent orders in Fluctuations (APEF2018)
- Conference dates: November 12-15, 2018
- Venue: The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, JAPAN
- URL:
- 開講日時
- 10月15日 3,4,5コマ(午後1時開始)
- 10月22日 3,4,5コマ(午後1時開始)
- 10月29日 3,4コマ(午後1時開始)
- 開講場所:京都大学 吉田キャンパス 総合研究8号館 講義室1(1階南)Map (No.59)
- 講義の概要・目的
- 到達目標:多体系向けの数値的手法に関する基本的事項を理解した上で、各分野の問題に取り組める応用力の習得を目指す。
- 講義計画と内容:以下の内容を講述する。講義の進度に応じて省略する項目もある。
- 多体系の例:時間発展系、平衡系、量子系、最適化問題、ベイズ推定
- モンテカルロ法の基礎
- モンテカルロ法のアルゴリズム:動的モンテカルロ法、ギブスサンプラー、メトロポリス法、量子モンテカルロ法、ハミルトニアンモンテカルロ法
- テンソル分解とテンソルネットワークの基礎
- テンソルネットワーク法のアルゴリズム
- まとめと展望
日程: 2018年9月9日から9月12日、会場:同志社大学(京田辺キャンパス)
- 講演(9aM302-1) "エントロピーを用いた(1+1)次元有向浸透現象の動的過程の特徴付け"、9月9日午前9時、領域11:非平衡揺らぎ
- ポスター講演(12aPS-96) "テンソルネットワークによる有向浸透現象の数値的研究"、9月12日午前10時、領域11:ポスターセッション(発表者:鉈落佳奈)
- タイトル: "エンタングルメント分岐とその活用"
- 日時: 2018年8月1日午後2時半
- 会議名: 物性研短期研究会「量子情報・物性の新潮流」
- 会議日程: 2018年8月1日から2018年8月3日(3日間)
- 開催場所: 東京大学柏キャンパス 東京大学物性研究所 大講義室(千葉県柏市)
- URL:
- 講演:"1次元確率過程のテンソルネットワークシミュレーション"
- 日程:2018年7月19日(木) ~ 20日(金)
- 場所:東京大学 小柴ホール/本郷キャンパス
- 研究会Webページ:
- 日程:2018年7月3日(火)
- 場所:東北大学金属材料研究所講堂
- 研究会Webページ:
- 講演:"有向浸透臨界現象におけるエントロピーから見たユニバーサリティクラス"
- 日程:4月2日(月) ~ 3日(火)
- 場所:東京大学物性研究所 6階 大講義室
- 研究会Webページ:
日程: 2018年3月22日から3月25日、会場:東京理科大学(野田キャンパス)
- 講演(24pK604-6) "テンソルネットワークを用いた1次元非平衡モデルの時間発展シミュレーション"、3月24日午後、領域11:統計力学基礎論2・非平衡揺らぎ
Session S34: Precision Many Body Physics IV on APS March Meeting 2018 (Los Angeles, California, USA)." date: 2018-03-08 lang: all category: News, Talk
March 5–9, 2018, Los Angeles, California, USA.
- "Entanglement Branching Operator and its Applications", 1:27 PM–1:39 PM, Thursday, March 8, 2018, Session S34: Precision Many Body Physics IV.
- Presentation file is here.
Reference: Physical Review B 97 (2018) 045124.
REFERENCE Physical Review B 97 (2018) 045124
DOI 10.1103/PhysRevB.97.045124
AUTHOR Kenji Harada
We introduce an entanglement branching operator to split a composite entanglement flow in a tensor network which is a promising theoretical tool for many-body systems. We can optimize an entanglement branching operator by solving a minimization problem based on squeezing operators. The entanglement branching is a new useful operation to manipulate a tensor network. For example, finding a particular entanglement structure by an entanglement branching operator, we can improve a higher-order tensor renormalization group method to catch a proper renormalization flow in a tensor network space. This new method yields a new type of tensor network states. The second example is a many-body decomposition of a tensor by using an entanglement branching operator. We can use it for a perfect disentangling among tensors. Applying a many-body decomposition recursively, we conceptually derive projected entangled pair states from quantum states that satisfy the area law of entanglement entropy.
Wei-Lin is a student in a doctoral course of National Taiwan University. His stay is financially supported by Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association.
- International Symposium on Fluctuation and Structure out of Equilibrium 2017 (SFS2017)
- Date of poster presentation: 14:50 ~ 16:50, 20th Nov. 2017.
- Conference: International Symposium on Fluctuation and Structure out of Equilibrium 2017
- Conference dates: From 20th Nov. 2017 to 23th Nov. 2017.
- Venue: Sendai International Center, Sendai, Japan.
- URL:
- Title: "Entanglement branching operator" (invited)
- Date of presentation: 14:00 ~ 15:00, 6th Nov. 2017.
- Conference: Novel Quantum States in Condensed Matter 2017
- Conference dates: From 23th Oct. 2017 to 24th Nov. 2017.
- Venue: Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan.
- URL:
- Preprint
- arXiv:1710.01830
- Abstract
- We introduce an entanglement branching operator to split a composite entanglement flow in a tensor network which is a promising theoretical tool for many-body systems. We can optimize an entanglement branching operator by solving a minimization problem based on squeezing operators. The entanglement branching is a new useful operation to manipulate a tensor network. For example, finding a particular entanglement structure by an entanglement branching operator, we can improve a higher-order tensor renormalization group method to catch a proper renormalization flow in a tensor network space. This new method yields a new type of tensor network states. The second example is a many-body decomposition of a tensor by using an entanglement branching operator. We can use it for a perfect disentangling among tensors. Applying a many-body decomposition recursively, we conceptually derive projected entangled pair states from quantum states that satisfy the area law of entanglement entropy.
- Preprint
- arXiv:1710.01830
- Author
- Kenji Harada
- Abstract
- We introduce an entanglement branching operator to split a composite entanglement flow in a tensor network which is a promising theoretical tool for many-body systems. We can optimize an entanglement branching operator by solving a minimization problem based on squeezing operators. The entanglement branching is a new useful operation to manipulate a tensor network. For example, finding a particular entanglement structure by an entanglement branching operator, we can improve a higher-order tensor renormalization group method to catch a proper renormalization flow in a tensor network space. This new method yields a new type of tensor network states. The second example is a many-body decomposition of a tensor by using an entanglement branching operator. We can use it for a perfect disentangling among tensors. Applying a many-body decomposition recursively, we conceptually derive projected entangled pair states from quantum states that satisfy the area law of entanglement entropy.
- Comments
- 9 pages, 11 figures
日本物理学会 2017年秋季大会
日程: 2017年9月21日から9月24日、会場: 岩手大学(上田キャンパス)
- 講演 "エンタングルメント分岐を用いたテンソル繰り込み群", 24aJ25-10
- 講演:"Entanglement Branching and Tensor Renormalization Group"
- 日程:8月3日(木)~4日(金)
- 場所:計算科学研究機構6階講堂
- 研究会Webページ:
- 日程:7月18日(火)
- 場所:東北大学金属材料研究所講堂
- 研究会Webページ:
- 講演:"エンタングルメント分岐を用いたテンソル繰り込み群"
- 日程:7月11日(火) ~ 12日(水)
- 場所:東京大学 小柴ホール/本郷キャンパス
- 研究会Webページ:
- 講演:"テンソルネットワーク法におけるGeneral Entanglement Branching"
- 日程:4月3日(月) ~ 4日(火)
- 場所:東京大学物性研究所 6階 大講義室
- 研究会Webページ:
日本物理学会 第72回年次大会
日程: 2017年3月17日から3月20日、会場: 大阪大学(豊中キャンパス)
- 講演 "繰り込み群とテンソルネットワーク" 18pB11-3、
「テンソルネットワーク法とその可能性」 - (共同研究者 伊井海生 発表)講演 "非平衡系のための数値的手法の開発" 19pK-PS-50
- (共同研究者 佐藤龍己 発表)講演 "有向浸透現象の数値的手法の開発" 19pS-PS-27
- (共同研究者 正木晶子 発表)講演 "並列化量子モンテカルロ法によるrelevant fieldを含む有限サイズスケーリング" 20aB11-7
From 5 Feb. 2017 to 18 Feb. 2017, Workshop "Entanglement in Strongly Correlated Systems" , the Centro de Ciencias de Benasque Pedro Pascual, Benasque, Spain.
- Title: "General Entanglement Branching in a Tensor Network" (invited)
- Date of presentation: 14th Dec. 2016.
- Conference: Fourth Workshop on Tensor Network States: Algorithms and Applications
- Conference dates: From 12th Dec. 2016 to 15th Dec. 2016.
- Venue: National Center for Theoretical Sciences, Hsinchu, Taiwan
- URL:
- 講演 "SU(N)一般化ハイゼンベルグモデルの量子相転移:Conformal bootstrap法の結果との比較、SO(5)対称性の検証" 13aAF-9
日本物理学会 2016年秋季大会、金沢大学(角間キャンパス)。
- 日程:2016年9月9日(金)
- 開催場所:東北大学金属材料研究所講堂
- URL:
2016年度の京都大学オープンキャンパスで、研究室紹介を2回行う。テーマは、 "シミュレーションの最先端+スパコン「京」"。主に、スパコン「京」で行っ ている大規模シミュレーションを紹介する予定。
第1回ポスト「京」重点課題(7)研究会 「次世代の産業を支える新機能デバイス・高性能材料の創成」にて、ポスター発表(7月21日)。
- 日程:2016年7月21日(木)ー2016年7月22日(金)
- 開催場所:東京大学 小柴ホール/本郷キャンパス
- URL:
- 日程:2016年6月27日(月) ~ 2016年7月15日(金)(3週間)
- 開催場所:東京大学物性研究所 (〒277−8581 柏市柏の葉5−1−5)
- URL:
平成29年度入学の大学院入試に関する説明会が開催されます。 詳しくはこのページを参照して下さい。 志望区分として「計算物理学」を選択する場合は相談していただけると幸いです。
- 講演:"分岐とテンソルネットワーク" P-02
- 日程:4月4日(月) ~ 5日(火)
- 場所:東京大学物性研究所 6階 大講義室
- 研究会Webページ:"
- 講演 "分岐とテンソルネットワーク" 20pBT-5
日本物理学会 第71回年次大会、東北学院大学(泉キャンパス)。
2016年3月16日(水) 15:00~、早稲田大学早稲田キャンパス3号館203号室、
Quantum Computation and Machine Learning Seminar Seriesにて講演。
概要:量子モンテカルロ法は量子強相関系を研究するための強力なツールであるが、系によっては経路積分表現に基づく定式化において負の重みが出現し、確率的サンプリングによるモンテカルロ計算の精度が著しく落ちる。この問題を負符号問題と呼ぶ。講演の前半では、負符号問題がある例をいくつか紹介し、後半では、強相関1次元量子系の一つであるS=1 bilinear-biquadraticハイゼンベルグモデルとそのSO(N)拡張版の負符号問題について議論する。このモデルはハルデーン秩序として知られる対称性に守られたトポロジカル秩序を持つが、それと関係してハルデーン秩序相での負符号問題を特別に解決する手法を見つけた[1]ので、トポロジカル秩序相境界上の量子臨界現象の数値的研究[2]とあわせて紹介する。
(後半の内容は、新潟大学理学部 奥西巧一さんとの共同研究の成果です)
[1] K. Okunishi and K. Harada, Phys. Rev. B 89, 134422 (2014).
[2] K. Harada and K. Okunishi, unpublished (2016).
2016年1月29日(金)、 講演 ”シミュレーションで探る量子の世界:絶対零度での秩序と臨界現象”、 スパコン「京」がひらく社会と科学 シンポジウム「スーパーコンピュータの今とこれから」、 よみうり大手町ホール(東京)。
- 日程:2016年6月27日(月) ~ 2016年7月15日(金)(3週間)
- 開催場所:東京大学物性研究所 (〒277−8581 柏市柏の葉5−1−5)
- URL(参加登録):
date: 2016-01-25 lang: en category: News, Conf
Tensor network is a new language for talking about many-body problems. Having emerged from quantum information description of simple wave functions, it is now regarded as an extremely precise method for computing partition functions of classical or quantum lattice models, a wave function describing novel quantum states, a new framework of real-space renormalization group, a representation manifesting hidden symmetries and orders, a cure to the notorious negative-sign problem, a systematic way of information compression, a computable representation of AdS/CFT correspondence, ...
The main objective of this workshop is to achieve a better understanding of tensor-network states and tensor-network methods in quantum many-body problems. Related physical systems and numerical methods will be also discussed.
- Dates: June 27 - July 15, 2016 (3 weeks)
- Venue: The Institute for Solid State Physics, The University of Tokyo, JAPAN
- URL:
(The 75th Okazaki Conference) Tensor Network States: Algorithms and Applications 2016に参加。
- 日程:1月11日(月) ~ 14日(木)
- 場所:分子科学研究所 岡崎カンファレンスホール
- 研究会Webページ:
- 日程:1月5日(火) ~ 9日(土)
- 場所:東京大学 本郷キャンパス
- 研究会Webページ:
理化学研究所 計算科学研究機構 広報誌「計算科学の世界」No.11に、インタビュー記事「物質の中に宇宙が見えてくる(スケールを超える臨界現象を探す)」掲載。
Web 理化学研究所 計算科学研究機構 広報誌「計算科学の世界」
PDF 理化学研究所 計算科学研究機構 広報誌「計算科学の世界」No.11
REFERENCE Physical Review B 92 (2015) 134404
DOI 10.1103/PhysRevB.92.134404
AUTHOR Tsuyoshi Okubo, Kenji Harada, Jie Lou, and Naoki Kaishima
The SU(N) symmetric antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model with multicolumn representations on the two- dimensional square lattice is investigated by quantum Monte Carlo simulations. For the representation of a Young diagram with two columns, we confirm that a valence-bond solid (VBS) order appears as soon as the Néel order disappears at N = 10, indicating no intermediate phase. In the case of the representation with three columns, there is no evidence for either the Néel or the VBS ordering for N >= 15. This is actually consistent with the large-N theory, which predicts that the VBS state immediately follows the Néel state, because the expected spontaneous order is too weak to be detected.
- (共同研究者 堀田知佐)講演 "二次元横磁場イジングモデルにおける動的帯磁率" 16aDC-7
REFERENCE Physical Review E 92 (2015) 012106
DOI 10.1103/PhysRevE.92.012106
AUTHOR Kenji Harada
Scaling analysis, in which one infers scaling exponents and a scaling function in a scaling law from given data, is a powerful tool for determining universal properties of critical phenomena in many fields of science. However, there are corrections to scaling in many cases, and then the inference problem becomes ill-posed by an uncontrollable irrelevant scaling variable. We propose a new kernel method based on Gaussian process regression to fix this problem generally. We test the performance of the new kernel method for some example cases. In all cases, when the precision of the example data increases, inference results of the new kernel method correctly converge. Because there is no limitation in the new kernel method for the scaling function even with corrections to scaling, unlike in the conventional method, the new kernel method can be widely applied to real data in critical phenomena.
The reference code of this new method is prepared at
5月25日から5月26日、 チュートリアル講演 "量子フラストレート磁性体のテンソルネットワークを用いた数値的研究"、 第32回量子情報技術研究会 (QIT32)、大阪大学。
日時:4月28日 1:30-3:00pm
題:"Tensor network in condensed-matter physics"
BSAツールキットは臨界現象のスケーリング解析を行う新手法の参照コードです。ベイズ推定の力を用いて、自動的に臨界点や臨界指数を求めることができます。スケーリング補正を考慮した場合(オプション"-f 1")のスケーリング関数の推定結果の出力部分にあるバグを訂正しました。このバグはパラメータの推定結果には影響はありません。
PREPRINT arXiv:1504.05332
AUTHOR Tsuyoshi Okubo, Kenji Harada, Jie Lou, Naoki Kaishima
The SU(N) symmetric antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model with
multi-column representations on the two-dimensional square lattice is
investigated by quantum Monte Carlo simulations. For the representation of
Young diagram with two columns, we confirm that a valence-bond solid order
appears as soon as the N'eel order disappears at N = 10 indicating no
intermediate phase. In the case of the representation with three columns, there
is no evidence for both of the N'eel and the valence-bond solid ordering for
N >= 15. This is actually consistent with the large-N theory, which
predicts that the VBS state immediately follows the N'eel state, because the
expected spontaneous order is too weak to be detected.
- シンポジウム講演 "二次元SU(N)ハイゼンベルグモデルにおける脱閉じ込め量子臨界現象" 22aAL-4
- (共同研究者 吉田天平)講演 "ダイマーモット絶縁体における電荷揺らぎの解析" 24aAB-9
日本物理学会 第70回年次大会、早稲田大学。
REFERENCE Physical Review B 91 (2015) 094414
DOI 10.1103/PhysRevB.91.094414
AUTHOR Takafumi Suzuki, Kenji Harada, Haruhiko Matsuo, Synge Todo, and Naoki Kaishima
We investigate thermal phase transitions to a valence-bond solid phase in SU(N) Heisenberg models with four- or six-body interactions on a square or honeycomb lattice, respectively. In both cases, a thermal phase transition occurs that is accompanied by rotational symmetry breaking of the lattice. We perform quantum Monte Carlo calculations in order to clarify the critical properties of the models. The estimated critical exponents indicate that the universality classes of the square- and honeycomb-lattice cases are identical to those of the classical XY model with a Z4 symmetry-breaking field and the three-state Potts model, respectively. In the square-lattice case, the thermal exponent, ν, monotonically increases as the system approaches the quantum critical point, while the values of the critical exponents, η and γ/ν, remain constant. From a finite-size scaling analysis, we find that the system exhibits weak universality, because the Z4 symmetry-breaking field is always marginal. In contrast, ν in the honeycomb-lattice case exhibits a constant value, even in the vicinity of the quantum critical point, because the Z3 field remains relevant in the SU(3) and SU(4) cases.
Title: ''Quantum Monte Carlo study of Quantum Criticality on SO(N) Bilinear-biquadratic Chains'' Date: Feb. 18, 2015 Conference: From Feb. 18, 2015 to Feb. 21, 2015, International Workshop on New Frontier of Numerical Methods for Many-Body Correlations ― Methodologies and Algorithms for Fermion Many-Body Problems , Hongo Campus, The University of Tokyo, Japan.
Title: ''Quantum Monte Carlo study of Quantum Criticality on SO(N) Bilinear Biquadratic Chains'' Date: Jan. 9, 2015 Conference: From Jan. 7, 2015 to Jan. 11, 2015, the 9th International Conference on Computational Physics (ICCP9) , National University of Singapore, Singapore.
独立行政法人 理化学研究所セミナー
場所: 理化学研究所計算科学研究機構(AICS)
YITP短期研究会 "量子多体系研究の新しい潮流 --テンソルネットワーク・繰り込み群・エンタングルメント--"に参加。
- 日程:12月15日(月) ~ 17日(水)
- 場所:京都大学基礎物理学研究所 パナソニックホール
- 研究会Webページ:
第5回 CMSI 研究会
日時: 2014年12月8日(月)~10日(水)
会場: 東北大学 片平キャンパス さくらホール
ポスター講演: 2014年12月9日(火)"カーネル法を用いた臨界現象の有限サイズスケーリング法とその応用"
10sor network workshop --- Field 2x5 joint workshop on new algorithms for quantum manybody problems ---
Date: November 25, 2014, Tuedsay
Venue: Kashiwa Future Center, Kashiwa, Chiba, Japan
Title: "MERA tensor network and its application on quantum frustrated magnets"
From Nov. 4, 2014 to Dec. 2, 2014, the YITP long-term Workshop "Novel Quantum States in Condensed Matter 2014" (NQS2014) , YITP, Kyoto university, Kyoto, Japan.
会議: 物性研究所計算物質科学研究センター 第4回シンポジウム・物性研スーパーコンピュータ共同利用報告会
日時: 2014年11月12日(水) - 14日(金)
会場: 東京大学物性研究所 6階 大講義室
ポスター講演: 2014年11月13日(木)"Kernel Method for Scaling Analysis of Critical Phenomena and its Implementation"
From 20 Oct. 2014 to 22 Oct. 2014, the CMSI International Workshop 2014: Tensor Network Algorithms in Materials Science , RIKEN Advanced Institute for Computational Science 6F auditorium 7-1-26, Port Island South, Kobe, 650-0047, Japan.
ツールキット BSAに新アプリケーション"new_bfss"を追加。臨界現象の有限サイズスケーリングにスケーリング補正を考慮した解析も行う新手法の参照コードです。カーネル法を用いて簡単に臨界点や臨界指数を求めることができます。
PREPRINT arXiv:1410.3622
AUTHOR Kenji Harada
Scaling analysis, in which one infers scaling exponents and a scaling function in a scaling law from given data, is a powerful tool for determining universal properties of critical phenomena in many fields of science. However, there are corrections to scaling in many cases, and then the inference problem becomes ill-posed by an uncontrollable irrelevant scaling variable. We propose a new kernel method based on Gaussian process regression to fix this problem generally. We test the performance of the new kernel method for some example cases. In all cases, when the precision of the example data increases, inference results of the new kernel method correctly converge. Because there is no limitation in the new kernel method for the scaling function even with corrections to scaling, unlike in the conventional method, the new kernel method can be widely applied to real data in critical phenomena.
- 講演 "有限サイズスケーリング補正のカーネル法" 10aAY-6
- 講演 (共同研究者)"一般化Jordan-Wigner変換とZ2xZ2対称性" 10pAQ-4
- 講演 "SO(N) bilinear-biquadratic スピン鎖の量子臨界性とストリング秩序の数値的研究" 10pAQ-5
REFERENCE JPS Conf. Proc. 3 , 014031 (2014) [7 pages]
Proceedings of the International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems (SCES2013)
DOI 10.7566/JPSCP.3.014031
AUTHORKenji Harada
We will introduce tensor network states in the variational calculation of ground states for quantum frustrated magnets. In particular, we will report the performance of MERA tensor network for an S = 1/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model on a spatially anisotropic triangular lattice, which is an effective model of Mott insulators on a triangular layer of organic charge transfer salts.
date: 2014-06-26 lang: all category: News, Conf
From 25 to 27 June 2014, the ISSP International Workshop, "New Horizon of Strongly Correlated Physics" (NHSCP2014) at the Institute for Solid State Physics (ISSP), The University of Tokyo.
REFERENCE Physical Review B 89 (2014) 134422
DOI 10.1103/PhysRevB.89.134422
PREPRINT arXiv:1312.2643
AUTHOR Kouichi Okunishi and Kenji Harada
Using a generalized Jordan-Wigner transformation combined with the defining representation of the SO(N) spin, we map the SO(N) bilinear-biquadratic(BLBQ) spin chain into the N-color bosonic particle model. We find that, when the Jordan-Wigner transformation disentangles the symmetry-protected topological entanglement, this bosonic model becomes negative-sign free in the context of quantum Monte-Carlo simulation. For the SO(3) case, moreover, Kennedy-Tasaki's transformation for the S=1 BLBQ chain, which is also a topological disentangler, derives the same bosonic model through the dimer-R bases. We present temperature dependence of energy, entropy and string order parameter for the SO(N=3, 4, 5) BLBQ chains by the world-line Monte-Carlo simulation for the N-color bosonic particle model.
REFERENCE Physical Review Letters 112 (2014) 140603
DOI 10.1103/PhysRevLett.112.140603
PREPRINT arXiv:1307.0328
AUTHOR Akiko Masaki-Kato, Takafumi Suzuki, Kenji Harada, Synge Todo, Naoki Kaishima
Based on the worm algorithm in the path-integral representation, we propose a general quantum Monte Carlo algorithm suitable for parallelizing on a distributed-memory computer by domain decomposition. Of particular importance is its application to large lattice systems of bosons and spins. A large number of worms are introduced and its population is controlled by a fictitious transverse field. For a benchmark, we study the size-dependence of the Bose-condensation order parameter of the hardcore Bose-Hubbard model with $L\times L\times \beta t = 10240\times 10240\times 16$, using 3200 computing cores, which shows good parallelization efficiency.
科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(C)「テンソルネットワークを用いたフラストレート量子スピン系の非磁性相の数値的研究」代表者、 平成26年度から平成28年度予定。
- 講演 "臨界現象に対する有意でない変数を考慮したベイズ流スケーリング解析手法" 27pAK-9
- 講演(共同研究者)"2次元 SU(N) J-Qモデルにおける脱閉じ込め転移と二つの長さスケール" 28pAK-14
- 講演(共同研究者)"正方格子、蜂の巣格子上一般化SU(N)Heisenberg模型の有限温度転移" 28pAK-15
From 3 March 2014 to 7 March 2014,
- Talk (Collaborator) "Parallelized Multi-Worm Algorithm for Large Scale Quantum Monte-Carlo simulations" C1.00284
- Talk (Collaborator) "Thermal phase transitions to valence-bond-solid states in the two dimensional SU(N) Heisenberg models" F7.00010
- Talk (Representative) "Possibility of Deconfined Criticality in SU(N) Heisenberg Models at Small N" S27.00013
APS March Meeting 2014, Denver, Colorado, USA.
ツールキット BSAは臨界現象のスケーリング解析を行う新手法の参照コードです。ベイズ推定の力を用いて、自動的に臨界点や臨界指数を求めることができます。このツールキットBSAが、物質科学シミュレーションのポータルサイトMateriAppsにて紹介されました。
REFERENCE Physical Review B 88 (2013) 220408(R)
DOI 10.1103/PhysRevB.88.220408
PREPRINT arXiv:1307.0501v2
Kenji Harada, Takafumi Suzuki, Tsuyoshi Okubo, Haruhiko Matsuo, Jie Lou, Hiroshi Watanabe, Synge Todo, and Naoki Kaishima
To examine the validity of the scenario of the deconfined critical phenomena, we carry out a quantum Monte Carlo simulation for the SU($N$) generalization of the Heisenberg model with four-body and six-body interactions. The quantum phase transition between the SU($N$) N\'eel and valence-bond solid phases is characterized for $N=2,3,$ and $4$ on the square and honeycomb lattices. While finite-size scaling analysis works well up to the maximum lattice size ($L=256$) and indicates the continuous nature of the phase transition, a clear systematic change towards the first-order transition is observed in the estimates of the critical exponent $y \equiv 1/\nu$ as the system size increases. We also confirm the relevance of a squared valence-bond solid field $\Psi^2$ for the SU(3) model.
12月10日から12月13日、 物性研スパコン共同利用・CMSI 合同研究会(第4回 CMSI 研究会)、東京大学物性研究所(柏キャンパス)。
PREPRINT arXiv:1312.2643
AUTHOR Kouichi Okunishi and Kenji Harada
Using a generalized Jordan-Wigner transformation combined with the defining representation of the SO(N) spin, we map the SO(N) bilinear-biquadratic(BLBQ) spin chain into the N-color bosonic particle model. We find that, when the Jordan-Wigner transformation disentangles the symmetry-protected topological entanglement, this bosonic model becomes negative-sign free in the context of quantum Monte-Carlo simulation. For the SO(3) case, moreover, Kennedy-Tasaki's transformation for the S=1 BLBQ chain, which is also a topological disentangler, derives the same bosonic model through the dimer-R bases. We present temperature dependence of energy, entropy and string order parameter for the SO(N=3, 4, 5) BLBQ chains by the world-line Monte-Carlo simulation for the N-color bosonic particle model.
From 2 Dec. 2013 to 5 Dec. 2013, Taipei Tensor Network Workshop 2013 , National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
From 21 Oct. 2013 to 22 Oct. 2013,
CMSI International Symposium 2013:
"Extending the power of computational materials sciences with K-computer"
Ito International Research Center in the University of Tokyo, Hongo Campus in Tokyo, Japan.
From 16 Oct. 2013 to 18 Oct. 2013, Satellite Meeting 2013 in Kobe: "CMSI Kobe International Workshop 2013: Recent Progress in Tensor Network Algorithms" , RIKEN Advanced Institute for Computational Science, Kobe, Japan.
- 講演 "2次元 SU(N) J-Qモデルを用いた脱閉じ込め臨界現象の数値的研究" 25aKH-10
- 講演(共同研究者) "ワーム更新による並列化量子モンテカルロアルゴリズム" 25aKH-4
- 講演(共同研究者) "量子モンテカルロ法による正方格子SU(N)スピン模型の基底状態解析" 25aKH-8
- 講演(共同研究者) "bilinear-biquadratic鎖の負符号問題II" 25aKH-9
- 講演(共同研究者) "シャストリーサザランド格子S=1/2反強磁性ハイゼンベルク模型の磁気秩序" 26pKM-1
8月12日から8月16日、"CMSI 第1部会「新物質・新量子相の基礎科学」 夏の学校 2013"、山形蔵王。
date: 2013-08-06 lang: all category: News, Conf
From 5 Aug. 2013 to 9 Aug. 2013, the International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems (SCES2013), University of Tokyo, Tokyo.
From 28 July 2013 to 31 July 2013, "Statistical Physics of Quantum Matter", National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
PREPRINT arXiv:1307.0328
AUTHOR Akiko Masaki-Kato, Takafumi Suzuki, Kenji Harada, Synge Todo, Naoki Kaishima
Based on the worm algorithm in the path-integral representation, we propose a general quantum Monte Carlo algorithm suitable for parallelizing on a distributed-memory computer by domain decomposition. Of particular importance is its application to large lattice systems of bosons and spins. A large number of worms are introduced and its population is controlled by a fictitious transverse field. For a benchmark, we study the size-dependence of the Bose-condensation order parameter of the hardcore Bose-Hubbard model with $L \times L \times \beta t =10240 \times 10240 \times 16$, using 3200 computing cores, which shows good parallelization efficiency.
date: 2013-05-13 lang: all category: News, Talk
13 May 2013, the seminar of theory of electrons in solids group, Deptertment of Physics, Osaka University, Osaka.
- 講演 "脱閉じ込め臨界現象の普遍性" 29aXZD-8
- 講演(共同研究者) "正方格子SU(N)スピン模型の有限温度転移" 29aXZD-9
- 講演(共同研究者) "ワームアルゴリズムの並列化" 29aXZD-11
- 講演(共同研究者) "bilinear-biquadratic鎖の負符号問題" 28pXZC-9
日本物理学会第68回年次大会、 広島大学。
From 18 March 2013 to 22 March 2013, APS March Meeting 2013, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
1月10日から1月11日、 物性研究所共同利用スーパーコンピュータ・計算物質科学研究センター(CCMS)・元素戦略プロジェクト 合同研究会「計算物性物理学の新展開」、東京大学物性研究所(柏キャンパス)。
PREPRINT arXiv:1212.1999
AUTHOR Jie Lou, Takafumi Suzuki, Kenji Harada, and Naoki Kaishima
We performed variational calculation based on the multi-scale entanglemnt renormalization ansatz, for the antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model on a Shastry Sutherland lattice (SSL). Our results show that at coupling ratio J'/J= 0.687(3), the system undergoes a quantum phase transition from the orthogonal dimer order to the plaquette valence bond solid phase, which then transits into the antiferromagnetic order above J'/J=0.75. In the presence of an external magnetic field, our calculations show clear evidences of various magnetic plateaux in systems with different coupling ratios range from 0.5 to 0.69. Our calculations are not limited to the small coupling ratio region, and we are able to show strong evidence of the presence of several supersolid phases, including ones above 1/2 and 1/3 plateaux. Such supersolid phases, which feature the coexistence of compressible superfluidity and crystalline long range order in triplet excitations, emerge at relatively large coupling ratio (J'/J>0.5). A schematic phase diagram of the SSL model in the presence of magnetic field is provided.
12月3日から12月5日、 第3回 CMSI 研究会 〜超並列計算が拓く新しい計算物質科学〜、自然科学研究機構 岡崎コンファレンスセンター。
REFERENCE Physical Review B 86 (2012) 184421
DOI 10.1103/PhysRevB.86.184421
PREPRINT arXiv:1208.4306
Kenji Harada
The ground state of an $S=1/2$ antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model on a spatially anisotropic triangular lattice, which is an effective model of Mott insulators on a triangular layer of organic charge transfer salts or Cs2CuCl4, is numerically studied. We apply a numerical variational method by using a tensor network with entanglement renormalization, which improves the capability of describing a quantum state. Magnetic ground states are identified for 0.7 <= J2 / J1 <= 1 in the thermodynamic limit, where J1 and J2 denote the innerchain and interchain coupling constants, respectively. Except for the isotropic case (J1 = J2), the magnetic structure is spiral with an incommensurate wave vector that is different from the classical one. The quantum fluctuation weakens the effective coupling between chains, but the magnetic order remains in the thermodynamic limit. In addition, the incommensurate wave number is in good agreement with that of the series expansion method.