藤原 直哉 (University of Potsdam)
Synchronization in networks of mobile oscillators
Synchronization is one of the paradigmatic examples of emergence of collective behaviors in populations of identical units, depending not only on the type of individual dynamics but also on the pattern of interactions. In nature we can find some examples of synchronization where the connections between the units are not fixed in time. Here we present a model of synchronization of oscillators that move on a 2-d plane interacting only with other oscillators that are within a finite range. Thus the network of interactions changes in time. Here we show that there exists an optimal parameter regime where the short synchronization time and high efficiency are attained. We complement this particular model with a semi-analytical framework based on the solution of the set of linearized equations with time dependent interactions that can be applied to any type of complete synchronization. This approach enables to estimate the asymptotic behaviors of the system.